
Diets Don't work! Proper Change does!

When I get asked what's the best diet? How should I eat? How do I look chizzled ?
Well its really quite simple your body will tell you the answers if you listen to it. For example have you have had a sandwich or a bagel and felt great for and hour then heavy then tired and needing or more food? If so you are not alone. A fact is most people about 90percent of people or allergic to wheat and grains. So in my opinion if you feel like poo after eating or low on energy you probably should change your eating. Now I recently started a new eating plan the is high fat high protein and low carb. My body feels great I am leaner and don't get hunger pains or dizzy anymore. I feel I have found a food plan for life that makes me feel right. This is important for everyone to find. There is so much information out there on nutrition. I could talk on and on about this diet and that diet. My best advice is read up on it, science doesn't lie, ask lots of questions and try it! And most important LISTEN To Your BODY!
Don't forget diet is 75-80percent of achieving your ideal look. So get a meal plan and exercise life plan that works for you! Sorry there is no magic pill.
Everyone should watch "fat head" a documentary on fat! Is a must see and shocking information.
Also any more information on my personal meal plan send me questions, and keep reading. My meal plan was done by check it out!
Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Virgin Mobile.

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